Excessive weight loss of overweight people, cause an abdominal skin and abdominal muscle sagging. We call Tummy Tuck (as known as Abdominoplasty) to the operation we perform to correct deformities caused by sagging.
Common Reasons For Tummy Tuck
- Abdominal skin sagging
- Sagging and deformities due to rupture in abdominal muscles during postpartum period
- Elimination of strech marks accompanied by skin sagging in the abdomen
- Skin and subcutaneous tissue sagging accompanied by excessive accumulation of fat in the abdomen
Tummy Tuck Surgery
Tummy Tuck Surgery is performed under general anesthesia and takes about 2 hours. The duration of the operation may be extended a little more in patients who has excessive accumulation of fat and who has a herniation due to muscle tear in the abdominal tissue.
The techniques of abdominoplasty are performed by two methods, which will be determined according to the degree of sagging skin and subcutaneous fat tissue. One of these is mini Tummy Tuck. It is applied to patients who has an excess of skin and tissue under the belly, not above the belly. In the classical Tummy Tuck, there has an excess of skin and tissue under and above the belly. If you have a cesarean section scar, the incision will be made from there. If you don’t have a scar like that, the incision will be at the bottom of adomen and will be under the weight line. Once the abdominal skin is lifted, the underlying weakened abdominal muscles are repaired with the help of folding inward and sutures. The upper abdominal skin is pulled down. The excess skin is trimmed and the remaining skin is sutured together. A new opening for the belly button is created in the remaning skin. The belly button sutured into new position. The surgery is ended by placing the drainage tubes to the incision sites to drain any excess blood or fluid.
Pain After Tummy Tuck Surgery
After abdominoplasty, it is normal to have an average of 3 days of intense pain depending on the sutures we use to tighten the abdominal muscles. But this pain is gradually decreasing after third day and approximately over a week it will be gone.
Recovery After Tummy Tuck Surgery
After tummy tuck surgery we will give you well-fitted tummy tuck corset to you to wear, will be used about 6 weeks. After the surgery you will stay one night at the hospital. In this way, your follow-up is done by nurses, and you will have more comfortable first night with pain killers that provided by the hospital. Next morning you will be discharged from the hospital after my checks.
After tummy tuck surgery, bruising and swelling in the belly tissue will continue for about 15 days. We prescribe creams for the healing of these swelling and bruises. I will remove the drainage tubes on the 7th day. We allow you to take shower after drainage tubes are removed. After surgery, we recommend you to walk slightly forward, not to harm the stitches in your abdominal muscles for about 15 days. After the drainage tubes are removed, dressing is applied and we want you to apply on a regular basis everyday. Also we want you to take medicines taht prescribed on a regular basis everyday.
You should stay away from the exercises that will force your abdominal muscles for at least 2 months. But walking will also increase your blood circulation and healing process. The scar, below the bikini and weight line, will be approximately 8-10 centimeters in length. After 6th month period it will lose its red color and remain in the form of a crack.
You will have 3rd and 7th day check-ups after the surgery in doctor’s clinic. On the 3rd day check-up, your dressing will be changed. On the 7th day check-up, the drainage tubes will be removed. After 7th day check-up, you are free to fly.
Risks After Surgery
- Infection
- Bleeding or hematoma formation
- Poor wound healing
- Fluid accumulation (seroma)
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I get pregnant after tummy tuck?
A tummy tuck is not an obstacle to you to get pregnant, but we recommend that you do not get pregnant for 1 year after surgery. However, if you have a recent pregnancy plan, it would be better to have your tummy tuck at least 6 months after the pregnancy period ends.
How long does it take to undergo tummy tuck after bariatric surgery?
1 year after the bariatric surgery, you can undergo tummy tuck. In a year period, you will be already lost the weight you need.
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